Monday, August 31, 2009


There have been a million times when i've been bored..ask me where... "at
office"...bored to walk to my cubicle, bored to walk in the aisle to my seat, bored to
go to the rest room, bored to come out of it!!!GoD!! I think sometimes... the word boredom emerged from the office...
The best is to have generous amount of work or else do you know the symptoms of
phone break,coffee break,water break,hot water break, loo break, messenger breaks,
browsing breaks, browse.... and you promise yourself not to browse and simultaneously
open the browser.... contradictions are highly appreciated in this world..y not!!!
wanna know what could be a red alert for boredom symptom..snack snack snack...
chocolate, buy and eat, store and eat, go out and eat.... and eat more stuff...all but
Anoter virus of boredom has emerged and its just not ready to leave its mark on the IT
industry..RECESSION...job threat... no bonus hike....and when you ask for them..the most common dialogue just pops out of everyone's mouth... "hey ,you are lucky to have a job, so be happy" (yaa...watever!!!)
After all this you would have just made up your mind to work but the goddess of sleep
comes running to bless you....and you guys can guess that i'll stop writing now....
snore ..snore...zzz...zzz