Thursday, November 19, 2009

A teacher called Life

Life's the greatest teacher. You tend to learn so much from it that even the thought of it is exhausting. I think you learn in a batch of oodles!!! Oodles everytime!! Not in bits and pieces mind you. But there are phases, the infant , the toddler , the kid ,the adolescent, the youth, the adult, the middle aged and then the aged. The older you grow, the harder the lessons!
Lemme explain the hard part-The older you grow, the greater the responsibilities, greater expectations
It works like this- You grow old, you've got to make less mistakes...... suppose you make silly mistakes you'd be asked to grow up and if you make big mistakes/blunders.... you are reminded of how old you are and how you could do that!!!

So all these factors add to stress and a lot of stress.
There are so many equations and dynamics to reach out in order to cherish your existence but the hard teacher called life makes your syllabus harder and harder everytime...travelling at the speed of light to trick you not to understand how the whole stuff works in order to see that you learn something till the day you say good bye!!


  1. Nice one arathi ....
    Its true that before we understand what life is, it'll be over.

  2. Yes, you said it.. we do learn almost everything in Life, from Life and for Life. Life is indeed a strict/hard teacher. Well expressed, Atrzzz. Chitra

  3. Wow! r3 - is that my sweet sanni who wrote this? You have already started to learn quite a lot dear from tough teacher LIFE :-)
    Realising what LIFE is expecting of you is one of the most important lesson - so there you go you are already in the right path - so i think the stress will try to run away before even it tries to reach you:-)

  4. Hey good stuff arthi......speakin according to physics all form of matter try to attain stable state which is a universal truth, the same applies to our life- the quest to attain the stable state,this state is again highly interpretative which can be power,money, peace & tranquility......
    Basically this state is the one our mind feels when attained would do away with all problems vr facing presently in life.
    The Long quest of Life............

  5. :sigh......first of all reading it late.. believe u me..just caught up with my personal mails :-)

    Honestly really deep thoughtful post I must say.. sooo going by this, as you grow older we need to make lesser mistakes coz we are meant to be responsbile.. right.. what about the ones who tell us that???? do they look at themselves too?? and what happens when we grow really old, like ajja ajji......then we are meant to be like infants.. ...... so is it just this particualar slab our life are we meant to be pefect souls????

    food for thought eh???

  6. Nice one arthi. Reminds us of all the tough times we've had.
